Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Semester, New Course, New Perspective


Another semester has begun and so has another opportunity to learn and gain a new perspective.  As a former media and marketing professional, and now a Communications major, my goal remains the same: to help people in the professional world "get along."  Intercultural communication is becoming more and more important as commerce, economics and foreign relations merge into one--the realm of global business. 

In the future, this site will include posts directly related to my Intercultural Communications course assignments.  However, I'm thinking this site will continue on long after this course and my education at Ottawa University has ended.  For, an education is not just gained from a traditional or online classroom.  Our education is ongoing as we live, interact and communicate with those around us.

As our education extends, and our world expands, so should our perspective.


  1. Regina,

    "Perspectives" I love it! This is going to be such fun I can't wait!

    1. Looking forward to visiting your site throughout this course! Will be exciting!
